Who is Jose Trinidad Marin?

Jose Trinidad Marin was also known by Trino Marin. He is the first husband of legendary American singer Jenny Rivera. He was born in 1964 on 15 February in California United States. Trino Marin is also recognized by his actual name. Jose comes from a Christian family and also on a combined heritage.

Jose Trinidad Marin personal life information

Jose belongs from Mexico and he also has an American Mexican passport. Trinidad’s parents live in Mexico and after some time they permanently shifted to the United States.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s relationship

Before Marrying Jenni Rivera, Jose Trinidad was an unknown person to the public. Jenni Rivera is a famous person in the world because of her songwriting, acting, and singing skills. Jose Trinidad Marin and Jenni Rivera is a relationship and they also keep their life private. Before they married Trino Marin worked in Mexican American café as an administrator.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s height and weight

Now Jose Trinidad 27 years old and his is height is 5 feet 10 inches and also he recognized an ex-spouse of a celebrity. He also maintains a physical appearance and his weight is 67 kg.

Jose Trinidad Marin profile

Real NameJose Trinidad Marin (also known as Trin Marin)
Date of Birth15th February 1964
Birth PlaceUnited States
NationalityAmerican Mexican
Marital StatusDivorced
Married toJenni Rivera (real name Dolores Saavedra)
ProfessionRetired Administrator Manager at American-Mexico restaurant
WifeJenni Rivera (1984-1992)
ChildrenJacqie Campos, Chiquis Rivera, Michael Marin.
Height5 feet 10 inches

Jose Trinidad Marin’s marriage

Jose Trinidad Marin & Jenni Rivera

In the year 20 Trinidad Marin fall in love with 15 years old Jenni Rivera. Jose Marine proposes to Jenny and married her after a few months in 1984. At the age of 17, Jenny got fast pregnant with Jose Marin’s first child.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s children

Jose Trinidad Marin’s children

Jenny gives birth to their first child when she was still in High School. Jose Marin and Jenny have three children. Their marriage ended in 1992, the cause is Jose, mistreated children, Jenny and his sister-in-law.

After some time there is much information disclosed about Jose Trinidad Marin that he has started again his life with a new wife in the riverside country.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s professional career and work-life

When Jenny and Jose started to meet each other, Jose Trinidad Marins was jobless. Marin also did a variety of jobs, in the age of 22 Jose was appointed as a manager administrative in an American café. Then Jose Marin started earning and also getting a decent income.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s income

The net worth of Jose Trinidad Marin is   600000USD to 800000USD.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s family

Jose Trinidad Marin’s family

Jenni Rivera and Josh Marin have three children. Jenni give fast childbirth when she was in High School. Both lovers became fathers and mothers or parents on 26 June 1985. Jenni’s firstborn was a girl and her parents named her Chiquis Rivera. After a few months, the couple announces their second daughter Jacqueline who was born on 20 November 1989. In September 1991, Jenni announced her third pregnancy.

Jose Trinidad Marin’s three children

Three children of Jose Trinidad Marin keep success in their life in various fields. Chiquis the oldest child who follows her mother’s steps and becomes a singer. The other two children went to work as an actor in Mexican and English films as well as in television series.

Jose Trinidad Marin divorced in 1992

Jose Trinidad Marin divorced

Jenni ultimately decides to quit this relationship and prepare for a mental moment. In the year 1990, she decide for divorced, and finally, the divorce was done in 1992. She was taken the custody of three children.

Jose Trinidad Marin misbehave with their daughter and sister –in-law

Jose Trinidad Marin misbehave with their daughter and sister –in-law

Trinidad Marin has molested his child (Jacqie and Chiquis ) and also his sister–in–law. Jenni Rivera has a long fruitful career on the other hand her personal life has different issues. This situation delivers a most defecting moment for her and Jenni Rivera also continuously facing mental and physical abuse. Trino Marin not only abuse Jenni Rivera he also abused her two daughters and sister.

The trial of Trino Marin

The trial of Trino Marin

Jose Trinidad Marin feels guilty for six and eight crimes which includes sexual assault and abuse in 2007. Trino Marin sexually molested his child Chiquis Rivera, when she was between the age of 8 to 12. For this behavior, Trino Marin remains in prison.

Important facts about Jose Trinidad Marin

  • Jose Marin is also known by his nickname, Trino Marin.
  • He was born in 1964 and he is currently 57 years old.
  • He celebrates his birthday on15 February
  • Juice marine sweet Jenni Rivera was a famous songwriter and singer.
  • Juice and Jenny married in 1984 and both are spilled their direction in 1992.
  • Jose has parents who are still unknown to the world. Trino has a brother on the other hand he does not disclose his brother’s name yet.
  • Rivera and Jose have three children, one son, and two daughters.
  • Josh marine married Jenny in the year 1992, for the reason of being mistreated.


Q : What is the nickname of Jose Trinidad Marin?

Ans : Trino Marin.

Q : What is the age of Jose Trinidad Marine?

Ans : He is currently 56 years old.

Q : When Trinidad Marin celebrate his birthday

Ans : He celebrates his birthday on 15th February.

Q : Name the wife of Trinidad Marin?

Ans : Jenni Rivera.

Q : When did Jenni Rivera and Jenny Rivera got married?

Ans : In 1984 they got married.

Q : What is the reason for their divorce?

Ans : Jose Trinidad was convicted of sexual assault and rape.

Q : How many children Jose Trinidad has?

Ans : Jose Trinidad has three children (two girls and one son).

Q : What is the eldest daughter’s name of Jose Trinidad?

Ans : Chiquis Rivera.

Q : What is the youngest daughter’s name of Jose Trinidad?

Ans : Jacqie Campos.

Q : What is the name of Jose Trinidad’s son?

Ans : Michael Marin.

Q : Why is Jose in jail?

Ans : Jose was convicted of sexual assault and rape.

Q : Who are the victims?

Ans : Two daughters and sisters of Trino Marin.