Do you often delay your work? Do you feel disappointed when you are not able to fulfill your commitments made for yourself and yet want to stop procrastinating?

If the answer is yes, it is a huge chance that you are struggling because of your habit of procrastination.

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination, as the meaning says, is a habit and tendency to avoid any work or task. A mental message forces us to delay the work and to set a new time. It is a behavior that needs to be checked and corrected to avoid bigger problems.

Facts about Procastinating

  • Data says that 70% to 90% of people procrastinate.
  • This number is towards the higher side in high school and college students.
  • Procrastination has inherited nature. It is a direct response to an overly-authoritative parent.
  • A bigger group also compromises of people who are not successful.

 Causes of Procrastination

  • People suffering from depression, frustration, unsuccessful professional life have the longest procrastinating phase. In terms of human body study, the brain sends a message not to do the work and delay it.
  • There is adrenaline rush which leads to anxiety and fear, because of which a human being decides not to act. In a way, he is trying to protect him from unknown fear.
  • A low self-confident person would not like to face challenges and try to keep himself/herself aside from the tasks which design the thought process in a way that the person keeps finding the excuses to avoid the tasks and hence gradually become a procrastinator

Do you know, it was very well observed by Edward young that ‘Procrastination is a thief of time’?

Let’s admit that we all procrastinate at some of the other points in life, but the catch is phase should not prolong. This is a deadly habit and needs to be corrected.

 Let’s figure out the ultimate strategy to break this harmful habit of Procrastination:

Best Strategies to Stop Procrastination

1. Accept that you are procrastinator: 

To begin with, a person should consciously accept that he/she has a bad habit of delaying things. Once accepted there can be ways to correct it.

Acceptance can be through self-realization or the response of people around us. It is required to accept that ‘I’ cannot handle my anger, laziness, frustration, or in other words mood; therefore, I procrastinate.

People engage in this irrational cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.

2. Figure the outcomes of Delaying the tasks

Step ahead is also to understand that negligence towards work. It is only trying to cover it up by doing something else as silly as arranging brushes in the vanity box is also another way to procrastinate.

 Its self-destruction and the equation “How to Stop Delaying Things Off and Start Doing” needs to be resolved by oneself or with some time-tested tricks and ways.

That self-awareness is key part to start dealing with this state of mind however it can make us feel so rotten. 

3. Change the thought to break the Cycle 

When we procrastinate, we’re not only aware that we’re avoiding the task in question, but also that doing so is probably a bad idea. And yet, we do it anyway.

“This is why we say that procrastination is essentially irrational,” “It doesn’t make sense to do something you know is going to have negative consequences.” Engaging in an irrational cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task is ultimately leads to no concrete results.

Hence, changing the outlook towards the tasks provided and defining the positive is the best technique to give a kick start. Also, it will break the cycle of negative, irrational excuses to delay the work.

There can be many ways to understand this behavior, but best described it Procrastination is the inability to manage moods.

Our self-made perceptions about esteem, anxiety, fear, its outcome, and what’s in it for me are key players along with incompetency and inability to do the task. There are no shortcuts and methods to complete a task. We really need to tame our minds to understand the need for that task and get aligned with its output.

A famous line says that people procrastinate to feel better. So let’s try and make ourselves feel good instead of better. Our brains are such programmed that a reward will always make me happy; so let’s start dealing with Procrastination by promising to reward us post completion of work.

4.     Take Baby steps and reward yourself for accomplishments

Instead of trying to do the entire task in one go, a study says it’s better to divide it into small tasks and look towards the completion of the task by task.

Finishing the small tasks will give a sense of accomplishment. Further, it led to motivation which in turn raises the energy level and confidence to move ahead with the next tasks.

To break the cycle of Procrastination the solution should ideally be coming from inside, be independent, and not depend on any person, process, or object.


5.     Manage Your Emotions

At its core, procrastination is about emotions, not productivity. The solution doesn’t involve a time management app or learning new strategies for self-control.

It has to do with managing our emotions in a new way. Give your strength to yourself by keeping a journal to track the records of achievements.

This technique will help you realize your abilities, capabilities every time we incline towards procrastination and help you manage your thought process towards the positive visualization, and being rational.

Final Words:

Procrastination is a matter of lifestyle and a habit. And hence, it can be changed and worked upon for healthy and better life. The real concern is, do you really want to change the procrastination habit! If yes, it’s just about training your mind in the right way.

With that being said, hope the aforementioned shared techniques can help to begin your journey to stop this harmful habit or lifestyle.

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