As a business owner, meeting and exceeding customers’ needs is one of your top priorities. And Wi-Fi is a crucial tool for achieving this goal.

It allows employees to work mobile and collaboratively without being tied down by tangled wires. Pikes adding new desks or offices is simple because cables don’t need to be rewired.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

When you think of Wi-Fi, your thoughts may turn to clumps of tangled cables, but wireless technology is ubiquitous. In a business setting, a top-notch wireless network provides high-speed internet access to employees and customers alike, eliminating the need for tangled wires and allowing a “Bring Your Device” (BYOD) policy that eliminates the need to purchase additional company hardware.

Aside from increasing employee productivity, wireless technology can also increase customer satisfaction. For example, many brick-and-mortar businesses, such as coffee shops and restaurants, offer free wi-fi as a service to draw in customers. A study found that offering Wi-Fi encourages repeat business in these consumer-facing establishments and can increase sales.

Additionally, connecting to a Wi-Fi network on a customer’s mobile device makes it easier for them to complete online shopping and research while in your establishment. A recent study showed that most consumers use their phones to check prices and reviews before purchasing in-store.

In-store Wi-Fi can also allow your staff to provide quicker and more efficient customer service. The ability to check on a customer’s device history, which provides information such as their name and email address, gives customer service representatives access to all the data they need to resolve problems or answer questions.

Increased Productivity

Businesses that provide their employees with wireless networks see improved productivity, collaboration, and efficiency. Wireless technology allows employees to use their devices in the workplace, reducing the need for additional computing hardware and lowering overall business costs.

Today’s businesses rely on Wi-Fi, from accessing email and company servers to following a WebEx presentation or joining a video conference call. A secure, reliable network allows employees to move around the office and work in groups or independently without losing connection to essential files or documents.

Home-based workers, such as virtual assistants or freelance writers, require adequate Wi-Fi infrastructure. Offering employees the ability to work remotely increases employee satisfaction and retention rates.

A simple, secure wireless network is much cheaper than traditional cable connections and can reduce installation time and maintenance costs. Plus, adjusting desk locations or adding new employees is easier without worrying about wired or wireless issues.

A study reveals that company owners who provide free public Wi-Fi draw more consumers and increase sales. It is especially true for establishments that include waiting-for areas, like mechanic shops and medical offices, where staying in touch with friends or on social media can keep customers there longer and increase their spending.

Increased Marketing Opportunities

Offering customers free Wi-Fi connectivity isn’t just a nice to have in 2018; it’s now almost an expectation. When a restaurant, shop, or hotel doesn’t offer it, they risk losing customers to competitors who do.

Internal Wi-Fi makes it easy for employees to move around in their office space, work from a conference room, or visit other business areas without losing connection. It creates a sense of flexibility for them, which leads to higher productivity and better working practices. It also allows for the ability to answer customer questions immediately and quickly, which increases overall service and customer satisfaction.

The same goes for businesses that deal directly with customers, such as laundromats, auto shops, and medical clinics. By offering guests Wi-Fi, they can encourage customers to stay longer and spend more than they would have otherwise. It also encourages them to spread the word about their experiences.

As a bonus, Wi-Fi marketing provides powerful ways for businesses to collect and track customer data from their captive portals. They can use this information to send targeted messages to the customer, leading to a better brand experience for the client or patient. They can even use it to grow their social media following, a meaningful way to increase their visibility. It’s an inexpensive, easy, and effective way to connect with their audience.

Increased Sales

Providing Wi-Fi to customers is an excellent way for businesses to draw in more business and build customer loyalty. Many people are looking for a good connection while they shop or visit restaurants, and having reliable Wi-Fi is a big draw.

For example, a doctor who offers free Wi-Fi will be more likely to attract patients that would have otherwise gone to another office. Many healthcare workers use tablets for note-taking, patient portals, and other vital platforms that require a stable Internet connection to be valid.

A healthcare worker or employee losing connection can considerably deter productivity and satisfaction. Wireless networks reduce or eliminate wiring costs and offer a more flexible, secure, and cost-effective way to provide an Internet connection.

Offering branded customer Wi-Fi allows businesses to collect user data, promote specials and build brand awareness with their customers. It also allows customers to access a custom connection page that provides valuable benefits like coupons, news, curated recommendations, loyalty rewards, and more. With the majority of consumers now carrying smartphones, most expect to have Internet access wherever they go. When a company doesn’t meet this expectation, customers will choose competitors that do. With the right managed service provider, businesses can offer their employees and guests fast, reliable, and affordable Wi-Fi.