Microservices, containers, digital engineering, and DevOps are all about the same thing, i.e., scaling apps in a distributed fashion. Containers are software that packages up an entire environment for safe transportation between hosts.

They’re relatively new to the scene but can be used for anything from storing your photos on Dropbox, so you don’t have to carry them around with you everywhere (think: Google Photos), or running your favorite game without downloading it first on each device that needs access to it (like Steam).

Containerization is a way to package up a single app and run it across multiple servers. It’s also a way to package up an entire safe transportation environment between hosts, making it perfect for microservices.

If you’ve ever heard of a container, it’s likely because of Docker or other containers like Kubernetes (a popular container management platform). These types of containers can be used in several ways.

Ways to use the containers:

  • To package up an entire application (e.g., Amazon Web Services) into one file that can be deployed anywhere in seconds with minimal effort;
  • To run multiple apps simultaneously on the same machine using virtual machines; or
  • To allow developers access to all the code in their applications without having them download everything when they need it is called “containerizing” your codebase!


The concept of microservices is just a fancy way to say smaller apps that work together for greater efficiency or scalability. Microservices are a way to break down a big app into smaller apps. They can be used to build more scalable and efficient applications, as well as applications that are easier to maintain.

A microservice is an independent application with its own codebase, database, and .NET framework (Java or Python). It’s like building a new app whenever you want to add new features or change existing ones without having to rewrite everything from scratch.

You can use them individually or combine several services together in order to scale up your project without adding more complexity or cost than necessary. You can apply both techniques simultaneously, building a single application out of many small apps.


Containers are a way to package up a single app and run it across multiple servers. Microservices are just a fancy way to say smaller apps that work together for greater efficiency or scalability and they’re great in this context because they allow you to build modularized applications using your own tools.

Multi-tenant microservices are particularly useful when you need various public and private parts within the same application. Multi-tenant microservices are also great for mobile technologies and on-demand services like Netflix’s recommendation engine.

Benefits of containers and microservices:

The main benefit of multi-tenancy is that it allows developers to build applications with different components that can be deployed independently, allowing them to move parts around as needed without affecting other components or requiring any changes in the codebase itself.

Microservices are good for mobile technologies and on-demand services like Netflix’s recommendation engine, which need to be small, fast, and flexible. In other words, microservices allow developers to focus on creating individual components that work together as a whole without worrying about how they fit into the overall system architecture.

The more you customize a particular component of your application, the less likely you’ll end up with an efficient solution because there’s too much overlap between different components. It isn’t good if all you want is something quick and easy!

Microservices and containerization are also useful for web development, where there are many moving parts. For example, they’re great at handling mobile technologies like Android and iOS because they allow developers to move quickly between different devices. Microservices are especially valuable for on-demand services like Netflix’s recommendation engine or Airbnb’s check-in system.

Containers are a way to package up an entire environment for safe transportation between hosts. They allow you to run multiple applications in the same space but with different resources and configurations. For example, say you have an application that needs a database and web server (for serving content).

You could run both these services on one machine, which would be slow and difficult to scale as your business grows. With containers, however, you can create two separate applications that use their databases and other resources (like CPU cores) while sharing only enough memory, so they don’t fight over it too much at runtime when they’re running side by side in the same container environment.

Using containers and microservices makes your app more flexible, faster, and easier to build. Containers are good for mobile technologies and on-demand services like Netflix’s recommendation engine. They’re also useful for web development where there are many moving parts, such as in Uber’s app or Airbnb’s check-in system.


Digital engineering containers are a digital engineering strategy that uses an image to run your code, so you don’t have to worry about managing the environment or setting up dependencies. This makes it easy to deploy multiple versions of your application without having to worry about how they will interact with each other.