Bhutan is one of the most mysterious and underrated countries in the world. With forests, mountains, and valleys, it’s no wonder that Bhutan has inspired many music lovers over the years. In this blog post, we’re going to explore some of the best offbeat tracks by Bhutanese artists. From traditional to modern, these tracks will take you on an eclectic musical journey. So sit back, relax and let the music transport you to a place you may never have even heard of before.


The Best Offbeat Tracks In Bhutan

Bhutan is known for its traditional cultures and natural beauty, but it’s also home to some of the best offbeat music in the world. Here are five of our favorites:

1. Pemagatshel: This folk song about a magical forest is one of Bhutan’s most popular exports. The melody is haunting and the lyrics are full of ancient tales.

2. Lhamo Lhamo: This sad ballad tells the story of a young girl who drowns in a river after being rejected by her love interest. It’s sung with beautiful harmonies and has been enjoyed by listeners all over the world.

3. Jhumla: This upbeat tune is about a group of adventurous mountaineers who go on an exploration trip to Mount Jhumla. The music is fun and uplifting, perfect for a summer day outdoors!

4. Monlam Dzong Chhoedrak: This religious song is about prayer at the monastery near Pemagatshel. The lyrics are simple but effective, and it’s sung in either Tibetan or Dzongkha dialects.

5. Wangchuk: This cheerful song is about villagers going out on trading expeditions during harvest season. The tune is lively and peppy, making it perfect for a happy mood!

Dzongkha Land

Bhutan is an isolated country in northeastern India with a population of around 800,000. The country is quite small, measuring just over 100 sq km and has a population density of only 56 people per sq km. Despite its small size and population, Bhutan has an incredible wealth of natural resources including forests, mountains, valleys and waterfalls.

The culture of Bhutan is based on the Buddhist faith and the country is famous for its stunning monasteries and temples. Despite its religious background, the people of Bhutan are very tolerant and friendly towards visitors.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Bhutan is the Dzongkha Land National Park which is home to more than 150 species of birds including several rare ones such as the pink-headed duck and white-rumped shama.

Phobjika Valley

The Phobjika Valley is a remote and rugged region in central Bhutan that is known for its natural beauty and pristine environment. The valley is home to several lakes, including the Sindhu Lake, which is the country’s largest lake. The area also contains mountains, forests, and rushing rivers. The valley has been designated as a protected area because of its unique natural features and rich cultural heritage.

The Royal Sanctuary of Jigme Lingpa

Tucked away in the mountains of eastern Bhutan is a sacred site that has been the home of one of the country’s most renowned lamas for more than six decades. The Royal Sanctuary of Jigme Lingpa, or simply Jigme Lingpa Temple, is where the 15th century master healer and yogi, Jigme Lingpa, meditated and performed teachings. Today, it is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations, attracting visitors from all over Asia.

Visitors to Jigme Lingpa Temple can explore its many chapels and courtyards, which are filled with paintings and statues honoring the lama who lived here. Some of his most famous disciples include Lama Tulku and Lama Zopa Kunzang Rinpoche. There are also workshops and meditation sessions available onsite for those interested in exploring further into his teachings.

Drukgyel Monastery

The Drukgyel Monastery, located in the town of Punakha in Bhutan, is one of the country’s most famous monasteries. The monastery is home to a collection of sacred scriptures dating back to the 15th century.

Some of the monastery’s most popular attractions include the ancient temple dedicated to Taktshang Drubpa, an important deity in Tibetan Buddhism. The temple contains an impressive collection of paintings and sculptures. The monastery’s library also contains a number of valuable texts.

The Drukgyel Monastery is also home to a number of interesting monuments, including a shrine dedicated to Bodhisattva Padmasambhava. The shrine features several impressive statues and paintings.

The Drukgyel Monastery is open to visitors from April through November each year.