Introduction :
The Mugen Elements is a game about kof mugen element vs o. kyo kusanagi lv2. This game was inspired by a Mugen series. The series was mainly released from a Mugen community.
The game is a fighting game because the series was about fighting skills between two groups of people. After releasing this game Mugen community took this game very positively. Especially the game became too much famous among teenagers. They were enjoining with the fighting powers of the character of this game. Also, the thrill and excitement were attracting the gamers.
Definition of the GAME :
- Name:- “THE KING OF FIGHTER” is the name of the game.
- This game is inspired by:- The famous series by skin named “kof mugen element vs o. kyo kusanagi lv2”.
- Released Date:- On 28th Oct 2004 the game was released.
- Developers:- The game was developed by KAZE EMANUAR who was a popular YouTuber and codder of Super Mario 64.
Some more information:
[ Mugen Element and Kyo Kusanagi were the two lead characters of the series. As no one in this world is equally strong. Everyone has their strength. The stronger one has to make himself or herself more powerful and the weak one always has to motivate him or her to be the strongest and they have to keep an aim in their life to beat everyone.
This is the rule of the universe, no one can change this. So as usual in this series, our lead characters were also not equally strong. But still one of them has to win and another one will automatically lose. Now we have to see who will win and who will lose. To know the ending and the whole story of the series and the game our readers have to stay till the end of this article.]
What about the Series?
The King Of Fighters is the name of this series. The story is all about the fight between two groups. Mugen Element was one lead character of the group and the other leader was Kyo Kusanagi. The characters were related to the samurai showdown.
Who were the main characters?
- Mugen Element:- He was a leader of a fighter team. The fighter team was created to stop Destroying the world. They thought that the other team will be destroy everything. So, to stop them from destroying them, they started improving their fighting skills. They were preparing themselves to win the fight and save everything from ruin.
- Kyo Kusanagi:- He was the lead character of the series. Kyo Kusanagi was a person who was unexpectedly very strongest of others. He was another team leader and he deserves to be a leader for his skills of fighting and hard work. He always wants to be the best not the 2nd best at all.
Story of the series :
Teams :
The story is about kof mugen element vs o. Kyo Kusanagi. In the series, there are two groups. One is Mugen Element’s group and the other is Kyo Kusanagi and his group.
Meeting of the fighters :
Kyo Kusanagi’s group was strongest because of him. One day he met a man named Rugal Bernstein. Then he felt that he had a wrong idea about himself. He felt that he is not the strongest person. Rugal Bernstein was much stronger than him. Even he was able to defeat Kyo Kusanagi very easily.
The fight begins :
They fought so many times. Rugal defeats Kyo back-to-back in every fight. Rugal became a clear winner. The lead character Kyo Kusanagi is not a loser and he was not ready to be a second powerful person at any point.
Hard work and preparation for the next move :
Kyo Kusanagi started working hard and trained himself in a better way. At that point, he just wanted to be at the top. He was making himself the strongest person ever. Kyo wanted to knock down Rugal in the next fight.
Final Match :
One day Rugal Bernstein and Kyo Kusanagi again came face to face in a fight. This time Kyo Kusanagi was ready to win the battle. He could not be the loser at any cost. They started fighting against each other. At last Kyo Kusanagi’s hard training worked for him. He wins the battle and Rugal Bernstein loses. Kyo Kusanagi proved that he is strongest and he will always stay at the top. But still, the battle was very close. Rugal Bernstein was not easily defeated by Kyo Kusanagi.
Result of the success and hard work :
Kyo Kusanagi was the winner and he proved that training hard, working hard and keeping patience is the ultimate trick to winning. This trick will not change at any time in any situation. This story proved that nobody in the world can be the best all the time. There will be always one person who will trust in hard work and always he will try to make himself better.
How to Download:-

- Step 1 – Download the EXE file.
- Step 2 – Install Netmarble Launcher.
- Step 3 – Search “KOF ALLSTAR “.
- Step 4 – Searcsearch the install button and click on the button.
- Step 5 – After completing the installation process, click on the play button.
- Step 6 – Access the game and start playing.
Game Features:-
When everyone got bored of the old games, then Elecbyte make this masterpiece When the game reaches its upper level, which means level 2. The Mugen engine is the heart of the game.
- it is a 2-D fighting game engine.
- it added more than 12 characters.
- Characters have many different attacking powers.
- Players can choose their team.
- In a single match, 4 teams can enter.
- The teams have to defeat each other.
- The graphic is 2-D based.
- Characters are colourful.
- The animations are well-executed.
- The game is very smooth.
Sound Effects:-
This game has Classic Sound Effects.
What are the requirements to play the game?
Operating System | Windows 7 |
Storage | 3 GB |
Memory | 1 GB de RAM |
Processor | Intel Core 13 |
Graphics Card | 1 GB |
DirectX | Version 9.0 |
Latest Update Version:-
In 2006, They realised their sequel to this game and this was entitled kof mugen element vs o. kyo kusanagi lv2. After some days this same team improved this game in a better version. This time they introduced a new commanding team of 16 characters. There is a new mode in this game. Multiple players can fight with each other. The players are located in many places. That can use different attacking powers in this new mode.
Why the game is exciting?
We all love the fighting games as always. The king of Fighters Mugan is the kind of thing which make our presence in a convertible childhood. After the whole fight of” who will win the match”, this attraction was forcing the gamers to stay connected with the game and play the game again and again.
Conclusion :
IGN (formerly Imagine Games Network) gave this game 8.5/10 which a score is very high. This score proved that most of the peopltookng this game in very positive ways. They are liking this game and they are comfortable spending time with this game. This is very unexpected how the story of a series turns into an online pc game. I hope that I can be able to describe kof mugen element vs o. kyo kusanagi lv2 to our readers.