Do you find it hard to sleep peacefully at night after a tiring day at work? Have sleepless nights become a part of your daily routine? It is high time you make yoga for sleep a part of your daily routine before going to work.

Don’t know what yoga nidra is all about? Don’t worry! The information below will help you.

Yoga Nidra – A Brief Introduction

If you are new to the concept of yoga nidra, you are in for a surprise!

In comparison to other forms of yoga, Yoga Nidra is not an active exercise session. Put simply, you lie down on the yoga mat in the Corpse Pose (Savasana) for the duration of yogic sleep.

Any tension or stress in your body and mind is connected. Your thoughts impact the way your body functions and vice versa. If you experience sweaty palms, feel a knot in your stomach when you think of something that makes you nervous; it is stress at work.

However, if you want to enjoy a deep sleep every night, it is important for the body and mind to get proper rest which is something Yoga nidra for sleep is good at.

Wondering how that is possible? Read on.

Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic technique which offers you deep relaxation and enter the subconscious mind. It helps you release any tension or stress which might be wreaking havoc on your mental and physical health.

How Can I Practice Yoga Nidra?

The process of practicing yoga for sleep is pretty simple. Yoga experts have come up with a few easy steps for you to practice yoga nidra with ease.

Relax the Body

Start by lying down on the yoga mat and let your body come to a stand still. Yoga experts recommend that you can use a blanket to cover yourself. Cover your eyes to remove all distractions and focus your attention inwards.

Keep in mind that it is completely normal for people to fall asleep amidst practice of yoga nidra. During yoga nidra, your brain is completely awake.

Set An Intention

Once the body is in a relaxed state, you have to set a positive intention (Sankalpa) for the practice. For example, ask yourself what it is you want the most at the moment. Repeat the intention in your mind to solidify it. Enroll in a certified yoga school to learn Yoga nidra for sleep from yoga experts.

Rotation of Consciousness

Now the yoga teacher can ask you to pay attention to specific parts of your body. It is your job to follow the instructions with attention. Doing this helps move your awareness along different parts of the body which relaxes your body and mind.

In the long run, the practice of moving your awareness from the body to the mind helps focus your attention from the external to the internal world.

Experience the Opposites

In this step, the yoga teacher would guide you to mentally go through opposite experiences like hot and cold, lightness and heaviness. Doing this during Yoga nidra for sleep helps the conscious mind determine what your body actually feels.


Visualization is an important aspect of Yoga Nidra. It helps bring out what you have stored in the unconscious mind. One method utilized in yoga nidra is guided visualization through symbols which are also used as a language of the unconscious. It helps balance and heal your mind from any past traumas and hurt.

End the Practice with Positive Resolution

It is important to end the yoga for sleep practice on a positive note. At the end of the session your mind becomes receptive and open to positive thoughts. This openess towards positivity makes it easier for you to strengthen the chosen resolution. Lastly, the teacher helps bring you back to awakened state of mind.

Therefore, this is how you can utilize yoga nidra to experience peace of mind and body. In the long run, daily practice of this yoga technique is what helps you avoid stress and anxiety.


Do you want to sleep peacefully at night without stress waking you up? It is time you enroll in a certified yoga school and learn yoga for sleep from experienced yoga teachers.

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