Videos are a compelling medium primarily used with other marketing and advertising forms, like social media and influencers. Founders can use videos for marketing their businesses in beneficial ways, helping them grow their startups more effectively than they otherwise would have been able to.

Video lets people feel like they’re having an authentic conversation with you instead of just reading your writing and imagining how you sound or look on camera. Because video allows viewers to take in every aspect of your company from the comfort of their homes, it’s one of the most potent ways to connect with your customers. It can help grow your business far beyond what you ever imagined.

Video offers an excellent opportunity to capture people’s attention and grow your startup’s brand. Video content can be made in various formats, whether through videos, such as YouTube videos or live streaming, or other types of content, like podcasts and blogs that incorporate video into their content strategy. Here are seven ways founders can use video to grow their startup’s brand.

How Can Videos Benefit Founders and Entrepreneurs?

A video is a powerful tool for founders and entrepreneurs. It gives people a chance to see what your company is about and provides a great way for you to share your story with potential investors.

Plus, video marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways of reaching a global audience. And while it’s always essential to have professional quality videos to represent your business, many companies find success using videos as promotional material on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

The beauty of this approach is that video can be created quickly and inexpensively – in just a few hours, you can create short clips like how we work or a day in the life. You can then post these clips on your own website, update them regularly, or promote them via social media.

1. Use Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are a simple, cost-effective, and engaging way for founders to introduce their products or service. Explainer videos are typically animated but can also be live-action. They typically range in length from 60 seconds to 3 minutes.

An explainer video’s purpose is to introduce the startup’s product or service and explain how it works for the customers. It will show customers exactly what they need to know about the company before purchasing anything – all at a fraction of the cost. With so many companies offering similar products and services, marketing through video is a surefire way for any founder to stand out.

2. Share Videos on Social Media Platforms

Sharing videos on social media platforms is a great way to get your content seen by many people. Social media is an excellent platform for sharing videos because you can post them directly to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Plus, the more followers or subscribers you have, the more views you will likely receive.

Another option is to share behind-the-scenes footage of the work that goes into running your business. For example, suppose you are in real estate and show how much time it takes to go from home inspection through a closing day in one video (15 minutes). In that case, potential clients might be interested in learning more about this process before they commit to working with you.

3.  Create Product or Company Overview Videos

Product overview videos are a great way to get your product in front of potential customers who might not have heard about it yet. An introduction video, for example, could cover the basics of what you’re selling and why it’s valuable. – As a bonus, if you do the filming yourself, it will also serve as an informal company video and will introduce people to who is behind the idea. 

For smaller budgets, start by creating a few short screencast videos that show off some key features of your product or service. You can use an online video maker free tool. It allows you to create professional-looking videos quickly and easily, without any prior video editing experience. These tools offer a range of features, including video templates, stock footage, and music, which can help you create engaging videos that highlight the benefits of your product or service.

If you need help with production, consider outsourcing these tasks instead of doing them all yourself. You’ll have free time to focus on other essential aspects of growing your business. You can find freelancers through sites like Fiverr and Upwork.

Don’t forget to use your product overview videos on your website and make them easily accessible so people can watch them when they’re considering signing up or purchasing. You can even promote individual videos on social media and through targeted paid advertising.

4.  Host Video Q&a Sessions

Hosting video Q&A sessions is a great way to allow your customers to ask you questions in real time. You can use these videos in your social media marketing or offer them as incentives for people to sign up for your mailing list. 

5.  Incorporate Testimonials into Your Website

One of the best ways to get your message out and connect with potential customers is by telling them your story in the video. Not only will this make your website more personal, it will also give people a chance to see who you are as a person and what drives you. Including testimonials from your existing customers can demonstrate what makes your business different from the competition.

6.  Optimize Your Videos for SEO

By optimizing your video, you can reach a wider audience. Here are some tips you can use to optimize your videos for SEO:

1. Include a descriptive title and tag your video with keywords to help people find it in a search. You can use an online video maker to add elements to your video as well.

2. Create a transcript for your video, which can be used as the description on YouTube or to create captions on Facebook videos. This makes it easier for people who prefer reading to watching videos.

3. Add links at the end of your video that takes viewers back to relevant parts of your website or social media channels where they can get more information about what you’re talking about in the video.

4. Make sure your video is long enough, so it’s worth watching. It doesn’t have to be ten minutes long, but at least two minutes in length. If someone comes across your three-minute video, they may not stick around for the whole thing because there are plenty of other things vying for their attention online. 

7.  Share Behind-The-Scenes Footage

Behind-the-scenes footage is an excellent way for founders to show their work and prove that they’re not just in it for the money. It also helps show people what it’s like to do this kind of work, which can be refreshing and help build trust with viewers. 

Please give them a behind-the-scenes tour as videos are an excellent medium to give potential customers an inside look at your company’s operations. You’ll feel more connected with the audience and offer them value by showing them something they wouldn’t get elsewhere. 

8. Unlocking New Revenue Streams and Enhancing Customer Loyalty

With a White Label NFT Marketplace to monetize video-based assets and deepen engagement with customers. By leveraging the unique features of NFTs, businesses can create a new source of revenue and differentiate themselves in a crowded market, while providing their audience with exclusive, high-quality content. 


Video is a great way to engage your customers, but it’s also an excellent way for you, as the founder, to see what other companies are doing. With all the information, it’s easy to get lost in how much work and hoops you need to jump through before you can start making money. Founders must make time to learn from others’ mistakes and do their homework so they don’t have to go through the same hurdles. And with video being such an accessible tool, there’s no excuse not to try this technique out!