Dead and dry grass can make your lawn appear unsightly, but there are ways to revitalize and bring life back into it.

Prior to taking any steps to revive it, you need to assess why your grass has dried up. Understanding why will enable you to take appropriate measures and revitalize its appearance.

Water is essential in the recovery process for burnt grass from sun damage, but misapplication can create its own set of challenges. Therefore, it’s crucial that you take time and care in applying it appropriately depending on weather, soil conditions, and the type of grass growing on your lawn.

Watering should take place before 10 am or between 4 am and 6 am in order to allow your grass to stay healthy and strong. The cool morning air helps the water penetrate more quickly into the ground, helping your lawn remain lush.

When applying water, use a spray head with deep reach into the soil so your lawn can absorb as much as possible. Wetting agents also reduce surface tension so water doesn’t evaporate as rapidly.

Watering correctly should help your grass recover in no time; however, be patient as the process may take time, and be mindful of any delays in return.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn is one of the best ways to ensure it remains green. Not only will this keep it looking its best; but it will also contribute to keeping local soil healthful and full of vital nutrients – providing everyone in the neighborhood with essential nutrition.

A quality lawn fertilizer provides a balanced combination of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), the three essential elements needed by grass to thrive. Nitrogen stimulates plant growth while phosphorus and potassium work to deepen root formation while mitigating stress from heat or drought conditions.

When selecting fertilizers, there is an array of choices, from water-soluble and slow-release fertilizers to liquid, granular pellet, and organic varieties based on your soil’s nutritional profile and plant needs.

Consider also your soil’s type and pH levels when selecting fertilizers to restore dry grass areas. Low pH levels may lead to grass that quickly wilts and turns brown; in such instances, using high-pH fertilizers might be your best bet for rejuvenating it back to health.

Many people view weeds as nuisances and a waste of time, but some weeds can actually provide some benefits in your lawn. Certain species stabilize soil structure, add organic matter, provide habitat for wildlife, and even provide edible or medicinal uses – just ask Dandelions!

Most gardeners will try their hardest to control weeds in their gardens, yet weeds still manage to pop up unexpectedly – particularly in shaded areas where weeds thrive.

Weeds can quickly take over a yard, taking up space and water that could be allocated to other plants in need. Furthermore, their presence poses an immediate threat to its health as they attract parasites and insects that damage it further.

To successfully eliminate weeds, use a weed control product. These can either be applied directly onto the grass with spray cans or sprinkled on using granular herbicides; be sure to read your label carefully so as to use the appropriate product for your specific weed problem.


Grass seeds can be an invaluable tool in rejuvenating dry grass, thickening an existing lawn, and protecting against pests and diseases that could attack it, ultimately saving money in the form of reduced maintenance costs over time.

In the heat of summer, many plants produce seeds that fall to the ground or are dispersed by birds and animals, carrying genetic information about their original plant to self-sow and reproduce themselves.

Re-seeding can be an effective method to revitalize your grass, but it requires planning and effort. Success lies in choosing an appropriate time and type of seed for your climate.

First and foremost, it is critical to identify and remove any weeds which might obstruct re-seeding efforts. Some, like dandelions, can be removed easily with hand pulling or rotary hoe; for more difficult-to-control perennial weeds like Trimec or Weed-Be-Gone, this may require professional assistance.

Some types of grass, like Bluegrass and Fine Fescue (Red Fescue), can become stressed due to drought and disease, becoming discolored and looking clumpy instead of full green. Once rain returns or irrigation water is applied, all varieties of grass may recover and return to full health.