When most people who are new to warehouses are thinking about stocking the space, they assume that all they will need is some simple shelves and some forklifts. However, that is not the case, and there are a lot of things that need to be considered when choosing the right storage solution for your company and warehouse. 

So, without further ado, here are some of the top things to consider about the storage you will need for your warehouse. 

The Products

First, think about the items that you are going to be storing. Ask yourself, what are storage systems? Which ones will suit your products? Do the products have a long shelf life? If they do not need frequent access, then it is best to opt for static storage. If you have items that have high turnover rates, such as food, then it is best to opt for dynamic storage, as these will help to restock and move items quickly.

Storage Density

Many people think that a warehouse has wide lanes and a lot of space for items to be placed. However, if you have a lot of items and a more condensed space, you will need to think about a different type of storage solution. Static storage is better suited to lower storage density and is likely to be lined to pallet racking and traditional shelving. However, if you have a denser space with more items, then it may be more suitable to have dynamic storage, as this allows for deep shelves and high stacking items.


How often does the stock in your warehouse need to be moved? Is it daily? Or do you have inventory that is more seasonal? This will impact the best type of storage for your warehouse and company. 

Static storage is best suited for options like seasonal items, and the movement of the items is slow. This means that you can opt for people to move the items without it causing delay. If your stock and warehouse have a fast turnover, then it may be best to opt for dynamic storage, as this can be upgraded to automated with ease and at least cost. 

Automation Needs

When it comes to looking into storage, you need to think about automation and how likely it is that you will need this as an option in your warehouse or storage space. This will be based on the amount of space, the money you have, and, of course, how often you will need to access the goods that you have. Static storage is not as easy to automate, meaning that you will need more staff and forklifts to move stock and replenish levels. Dynamic storage can be and is often automated and is linked to conveyors and automated storage and retrieval systems. So, if you think you need automation, the latter is preferable but may have a higher upfront cost. 


Lastly, you have to think about costs. 

For instance, static storage has a lower initial cost, but it does require more maintenance in the long term in relation to labor costs and repairs, so it may be more expensive in the long term. On the other hand, dynamic storage has higher upfront costs as it tends to be automated but has a higher potential for long-term savings, as this storage options have lower maintenance and labor requirements, not to mention that they can make it easier and faster to find items stored in and around the warehouse.