Do you want to explore how To Use “–save-dev” while installing the Nodejs Module? If yes, then go through this guide and gather effective ideas about this essential process. In general, the –save-dev option can be useful for indicating that the packages installed are the development dependency while installing the npm package.

The development dependency is the package that are only required at the time of the development process like build tools or testing libraries. It is not needed for the production environment where the users can deploy the application effectively. You can hire react js developers from BOSC today at best prices.

Importance of –save-dev:

The major importance of using the –save-dev while installing the npm package is that it can be helpful to manage various dependencies very effectively.

By separating the production dependency from the development dependency, it is very simple to track all the required packages for each environment. It makes it very simple for deploying the application to the production environment. It is mainly since, here only the required dependencies can be installed.

In addition to that, when other developers are working on your project, then they can easily find which kind of packages they are using for the development and production purpose. It can be helpful for you to prevent the confusion and reduce the risk that includes unnecessary packages in various production environments.

Using the –save-dev while installing the npm package is very essential best practice to manage dependencies and ensure applications can be configured properly for the deployment.

Difference between –save and –save-dev in Node.js:

Node Project Manager (NPM) is the package manager that is effectively used by the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. It consists of the two regularly used commands for downloading different dependencies such as npm install –save [package-name] & npm install –save-dev [package-name].

Both these commands can lead to the download &installation of packages from the npm servers. But –save and –save-dev are having some differences.

Check out below to know the difference between the –save and –save-dev in node.js:

●      npm install [package-name] –save

When you use the –save without –dev, then the npm package is the core dependency. Here you must know about the core dependency. It is the package without any application that could never be able to perform its own intended work.

You can find the list of core dependencies under the dependencies section in the package.json file. Then the npm install can also lead to the same result. When someone installs the package they can also install all kinds of packages that are listed in certain dependencies section of package.json. For instance, express, body-parser.

●      npm install [package-name] –save-dev

When you use the –save-dev with the npm install, it means that the package is the development dependency. The development dependency is the kind of package that absence will never affect the work of any application. You can find the list of all development dependencies under the devDependencies section in the package.json file.

When someone installs the package they are never able to install any kind of the development dependencies. But when they clone the repository, then they can install all kinds of development dependencies also. For instance, nodemon.

Impact of using npm:

Generally, using the npm effectively is the foundation of modern web development. It can be anything such as the package manager, exclusively with node.js, part of workflows in other platforms & other languages or the build tool for the front end.

Understanding npm as the tool and understanding its core concepts are difficult for the beginners. Read further and understand the basic concepts of how To Use “–save-dev” while installing the Nodejs Module.

What is the package.json file?

Any project that is using the Node.js is required to have the package.json file. Therefore you must know about the package.json file. A package.json file can be effectively described as the manifest of the project that includes the applications and packages it depends on, special metadata such as project’s name, author & description and information about the unique source control.

Managing and understanding project’s dependencies:

The essential aspect of the package.json is that it consists of the collection of the given project’s dependencies. Such dependencies are the effective module that the project mainly depends on to the function properly.

Having the dependencies in the project’s package.json can enable the project to install the different module versions that it depends. By running the install command around the project, you can effectively install all kind of the dependencies that are perfectly listed in the project’s package.json. It means that they don’t need to be packaged with the project itself.

Then, it will enable the dependencies separation that is highly required for the dependencies and products that are required for the development. In production, you are likely not going to require the tool to check out the CSS files for major changes and then refresh those apps while changing.

But in both development and production, you are required to have modules that can enable what you are trying to achieve with the project – things like the API tools, code utilities and web framework.

Install module from npm:

Installing the module from npm is the basic thing that you need to learn to do while getting started with npm. You can learn certain variations on installing those modules, but here you can know how to install the standalone module into certain current directory:

npm install <module>

You can replace the <module> in the above command with the module name that you need to install. Also check here onclick function in react js from BOSC Tech Labs and how it works.

npm install express

The above mentioned command can be used to install the express into the /node_modules in the current directory. If you install the module from npm, then it can be installed into the node_modules folder.


From the above mentioned scenario, now you have explored how To Use “–save-dev” while installing the Nodejs Module. If you want to make it possible without any issues, then you can hire nodejs developers. These experts will take care of everything.