Businesses of all sizes and types must closely monitor their financials. One key element of this is creating and sticking to a budget. A budget not only helps to track income and expenses, but it can also provide insight into areas where cost reduction can occur. This is especially important when it comes to optimising expenses and maintaining a healthy bottom line.

In this blog post, we’ll present you with some suggestions on how to create a business budget. Let’s get started!

Define your financial goals

Defining your financial dreams is the foremost action in building a business budget. Identifying what you want to achieve financially to set realistic targets and create a budget that supports these goals is essential. Financial goals include increasing revenue, reducing expenses, expanding the business, investing in new resources, or improving profitability.

This will enable you to create a budget that supports your business objectives and ensure that your financial resources are allocated effectively. Defining financial goals helps you make better decisions, set priorities, and avoid wasteful spending. Ultimately, it sets the foundation for a healthy and sustainable business.

Review your historical financial data

Reviewing your historical financial data is the second step in creating an enterprise allocation. It involves gathering and analysing financial data from past periods to identify trends and patterns in your business finances. Historical data can help you estimate future income and expenses and ensure your budget is realistic and accurate.

By reviewing your financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, you can identify critical areas of your business that need improvement and make necessary changes. It can also help you identify expenses that can be reduced or eliminated and opportunities for revenue growth.

Categorise your expenses

Categorising your expenses is an important step in creating a business budget, as it helps you understand where your money is going and prioritise your spending. It involves organising your expenses into specific categories, such as office supplies, rent, utilities, marketing, and employee salaries.

This information can be used to allocate funds to each category, establish spending limits, and make informed decisions about where to reduce expenses or increase spending. Categorising expenses also helps you identify fixed and variable expenses, which can be essential for creating a realistic budget.

Create a projected income statement

Creating a projected income statement helps you estimate your future revenue and expenses. A projected income statement includes your projected revenue and your expected expenses, such as the cost of goods sold, employee salaries, rent, utilities, and other overhead costs.

By creating a projected income statement, you can determine your projected net income or loss, which is a key metric for assessing the financial health of your business. This info can be used to create reported financial findings, set priorities, and effectively assign resources.

Set a budget for each expense category

Setting a budget for each expense category is critical in creating a business budget. It involves allocating funds to each expense category, establishing spending limits, and prioritising expenses based on their importance to your business. When setting a budget for each expense category, it’s essential to consider the importance of each expense category to your business, as well as your projected revenue and expenses.

Monitor your budget and adjust as needed

Monitoring and adjusting your budget as needed is very important for a successful business budget. It involves regularly reviewing your financial statements, identifying and addressing variances, and making necessary adjustments to your budget to ensure that it remains aligned with your business goals and financial objectives.

This can assist you in recognising possibilities to decrease expenses, shift priorities, or allocate resources more effectively. Ultimately, monitoring and adjusting your budget is crucial for long-term financial success.

You can consider using expense management software to make the process easier, such as Payhawk’s expense management software which enables you to easily monitor and manage your expenses to stay compliant with the budget, learn more.


By implementing the above steps, you’ll better understand your financials and be better equipped to create instructed judgments about where to assign your aids. Encourage your team to work together to create and implement a budget and prioritise monitoring your financials regularly to ensure you’re on track to meet your financial goals.