Whether you’re a newbie or seasoned photographer, there is always something new you can learn to take your photos to the next level. Beauty photography revolves around capturing close-up images of models or accessories and highlighting how stunning they look. You can use the photos to market beauty or fashion products online.

Quality photos can tell stories and drive traffic to your website, which you can convert to sales. However, the market is very competitive, and you need your A-game to stand out from the masses. One surefire method is by hiring a professional photographer from Squareshot and models to showcase your products.

The other option is going the DIY route. In this guide are tips to help you capture the best beauty images in your studio.

Build or Rent a Photo Studio

Setting up a DIY studio is easy if you have space and want to take complete creative control. You don’t have to go big on the equipment if you are just starting out. Invest in a backdrop, props, ghost mannequins, and lighting. For the camera, you can use a smartphone with a quality camera. A Google Pixel or iPhone are good options.

However, if you want to have access to quality gear on a budget, renting a studio is a decent choice. There you will use the best cameras, lighting, and props to help elevate your beauty photography session.

Hire Models and a Makeup Artist

What product are you selling? If it is skincare products, then hiring a model and a makeup artist is critical. Models can be expensive but will help add more life to your products. Customers are likelier to try out your products if they see someone else using them.

For clothes and accessories, you can try using invisible or ghost mannequins. They are cheaper and help put more attention on the item or product you are selling. Using ghost mannequins is perfect for selling clothes or fashion accessories like necklaces.

Lighting Setup for Beauty Photography

Lighting is a critical part of any type of photography. Learning how to use lights can help you create high-quality beauty photos. Having more lighting options gives you the creative option to switch things around and try out different shades and angles.

One of the must-haves in your lighting setup is a beauty dish. It provides a soft light that highlights facial features without creating harsh shadows. Ensure that your main light placement is correct and relative to other lights you will be using during the photo shoot.

Edit Your Photos

Retouching your photos will help you spot any mistakes and remove them. However, don’t go overboard as it will remove the authenticity of your photos. The goal here is to make the photos look better but still realistic and natural.

There are many photo-editing apps you can use to retouch your photos. If you are a newbie, you will find some amazing tutorials on YouTube.

Wrapping Up

The tips shared here will help you elevate your beauty photography sessions. Working with professional models will make your work look better. You can hire a creative team to help direct your models including poses that will bring out their best sides.