When a hailstorm hits, your roof is often the first line of defense for your home. As such, it takes on the brunt of the damage caused by hailstones.

However, not all hail damage on roof is immediately noticeable and can go undetected for months or even years. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly inspect your roof after a storm and know what signs to look out for.

Signs of Hail Damage on Roof

Hail damage on roof is more common than many people realize, particularly in areas that frequently experience heavy storms. Hailstones can vary greatly in size, from small pellets to large balls, and can cause varying degrees of damage to your roof. Understanding what to look for can help determine if your roof has been affected by hail.

Here are four common signs of hail damage on a roof:

Dented or Broken Shingles

One of the most noticeable signs of hail damage on a roof is dented or broken shingles. Hailstones can leave behind circular depressions or cracks in asphalt shingle roofs, causing them to appear distorted or damaged. This makes the shingles more vulnerable to water and wind damage, which can lead to leaks and further deterioration of your roof.

Missing Granules

Asphalt shingles have a protective layer of granules that shield them from UV rays and harsh weather conditions. Hailstones can dislodge these granules, leaving bare spots on your roof. This not only affects the aesthetics of your home but also exposes the underlying shingle material to potential damage.

Indentations on Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is durable, but it’s not entirely immune to hail damage. Large hailstones can leave noticeable indentations or dents on metal roofs, compromising their structural integrity. These dents can also trap moisture, leading to rust and corrosion. If you have a metal roof, it’s essential to have it inspected by a professional after a hailstorm.

Cracked or Broken Tiles

Tile roofs are popular for their durability and longevity, but they are still susceptible to hail damage. Hailstones can crack or break individual tiles, causing them to become loose and fall off. This not only leaves your roof vulnerable to water damage but also poses a safety hazard if these tiles fall off and hit someone.

Importance of Roof Inspection

Regular roof inspections are crucial for detecting and addressing hail damage early on. It’s recommended to have your roof inspected at least once a year, but after a severe hailstorm, it’s best to have it checked as soon as possible.

A professional roofer can spot signs of damage that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye and provide repairs or replacements before they become bigger problems. If you want more information on Indianapolis roofing contractors, learn more here.

Look Out For These Roof Signs

Don’t wait for a leaky roof or obvious damage before inspecting your roof after a hailstorm. Look out for these common signs of hail damage on roof and schedule a professional inspection if you suspect any issues. Taking proactive measures can save you time, money, and the headache of dealing with major roofing problems down the line.

So be sure to keep an eye on your roof and address any hail damage promptly!

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