The month before, I was recuperating at home from surgery. Because I could not sit or concentrate on anything important, I ended up watching television during the daytime. The majority of daytime TV is geared towards women. The most I noticed in the shows I watched was the number of commercials for health and wellness products, including skincare products, weight loss products, supplements, and cosmetics. There were two main themes in all the commercials: The products are all designed to make you appear younger or more youthful and “all natural.” These commercials didn’t mention the way they worked, the ingredients they were created with, or the reason they were effective.
This past week I found myself at an enormous well-known bookstore, standing on the “Information” desk seeking, surprisingly enough, details. I had to make a special purchase of the book. However, there was no one working at the desk. I searched the area and couldn’t find one single person. It went on for about five minutes. I finally walked towards the back of the store and encountered one of the employees who reluctantly offered to help, but the employee also stated that taking care of book orders was “not his job.” When I finally found the employee, my patience and that of my three-year-old daughter, were worn thin. I did eventually order the book. However, the person who helped me did not give me any information on when I should expect to be able to receive it.
How do the two tales have the same? They are a good illustration of a pattern that runs throughout the experience that consumers have with retailers in the present, i.e., incomplete information and no customer service to give the information.
Since we’re constantly bombarded by information from all angles, It’s absurd that people interested in health and wellness aren’t given the necessary information to make informed choices about the products they purchase for themselves and their families. Check out the ingredients in that expensive bottle of moisturizer you bought the other month. Even even if the ingredients are listed on the container, are you aware of their nature of them and what impact they could affect your body? Try your best to figure it out.
Before the demise of the customer support department, you’d contact the person selling the cosmetics at the counter. However, as shown in my story, you’ll need to locate a customer service representative first. If you do find one, you’re not sure whether this person is competent to give you the information you need.
What are your options:
1. Be educated by conducting your studies.
2. Get someone to supply you with the details.
The first choice, though feasible, is a requirement that most people don’t have: time. It is time to research the products and the ingredients. It is time to determine if these products have been tested for safety and do precisely what they say. The time is now to decide whether the product is 100% natural.
If you’re not in a position to conduct your research alternative is to buy your family’s health and wellness items directly from a supplier and consultant. They will not only supply you with the products you’re interested in but also offer you what the retail market can’t and isn’t able to provide, i.e., details about their products, such as their ingredient list, the reasons they’re safe, why they deliver the benefits they claim and the reason they can be described as “all natural.”
Alongside providing customers with education, these experts also offer the kind of customer service that proves to the customer that they are not simply a “sale,” but an individual whose health and wellbeing needs are not addressed with a “one-size-fits-all” marketing campaign. The customer service provided by these consultants provides the customer with their health and wellness advisor.
Where can you locate these experts? The best method is the internet.
Find companies that offer health and wellbeing products to customers. They distribute their products through a group of independent experts who are well-trained and educated not just in the products they sell but also in providing top-quality customer service. They will assist you in identifying connections with the natural world, wellness products, and customer care. In addition, you will become an informed customer and get the kind of customer service you’re entitled to.
A professional with a successful career. She operates her own home-based business, offering customers free health and wellness consults and herbal and botanical products.