A fire door is an important component in building construction that helps protect people from the potential danger of a fire. It gives occupants a safe route out of a burning building and helps contain a fire in its early stages, preventing it from spreading but What is a Fire Door and What Are They Designed to Do? Let’s find out more about it in the article.

What is a Fire Door?

Fire doors are typically made of materials such as steel or timber and feature either glazing or leaf panels that open and close with the help of hinges. Fire doors also have seals around them to prevent hot gases from passing through any gaps, thus providing an extra layer of protection. The seals may be set at slightly different heights so that pressure differences inside and outside the door can be minimized, making it difficult for flames to pass through any small gaps when closed.

What Are They Designed to Do?

Fire doors are designed to act as a barrier between two areas and stop the spread of fire and smoke. They will provide a safe route out of a building during an emergency, while also containing any flames within the area they protect. Fire doors can be rated according to how long they can withstand high temperatures before beginning to fail and must meet certain standards in order to comply with building regulations.

This means that even if a fire does break out, the door will hold back the flames for as long as possible, giving occupants time to evacuate safely. Additionally, fire doors can also help reduce damage and loss caused by a fire due to their protective properties.

How to Install a Fire door?

Installing a fire door can be an easy process if you follow the right steps. Firstly, it’s important to make sure that the frame and door itself are of high quality and compliant with current building regulations. Once this has been checked and approved, the door should then be attached securely to the wall or doorway using the correct screws and bolts.

Finally, the door should be sealed with an intumescent sealant, which expands when exposed to heat to provide extra protection against smoke and flames. An additional layer of fire-resistant putty can also be added for further protection. After all of these steps have been completed, the door should be tested periodically in order to keep it in working order.

Certifications, Regulations, and Tests

When installing a fire door, there are certain regulations that need to be adhered to in order for it to be certified by authorities as effective in protecting against fires. These regulations specify different criteria depending on what type of building it is used in, such as larger public buildings where more stringent fire safety standards apply. Tests conducted by independent assessors are also necessary in order for the door to receive certification.

Once a fire door has been installed correctly according to all regulations, it needs regular maintenance in order for it remains effective – this includes ensuring all components function properly (e.g., hinges) as well as checking for air leakage around the edges. If any part of the installation does not meet requirements then corrective action must be taken immediately.


Fire doors are essential components in any building as they play an important role in helping protect people from fires by containing them until emergency services arrive on the scene. Regular maintenance is key when installing one – if done correctly then they can provide many years of reliable protection against potential danger due to fires.