Remote control cars, also known as RC cars, are a popular hobby for many enthusiasts. These vehicles rely on batteries to power their motors and electronics, so proper battery storage is crucial for maintaining peak performance. In this blog post, we’ll review some tips for storing your batteries for RC cars properly to ensure they last as long as possible and perform at their best.

How to Store Your RC Car Batteries Right for the Best Performance?

1.   Fully Charge Your Batteries Before Storage

Before storing your RC car battery, it’s important to ensure it is fully charged. This step is essential to prevent the batteries from discharging completely, which can decrease their overall capacity. If you store batteries that are not fully charged, they may also develop a “memory effect” where they lose capacity over time.

A memory effect occurs when a battery is not fully charged and recharged before it’s fully discharged. It can cause the battery to “remember” the lower charge and reduce its overall capacity. To avoid the memory effect, it’s essential to fully charge your batteries before storing them.

2.   Remove the Batteries from Your RC Car

When storing your RC car batteries, removing them from the vehicle is a good idea. If you leave the batteries in the car and someone accidentally turns it on, it will prevent potential damage. Additionally, removing the batteries will make it easier to store them properly.

By removing the batteries, you also have the opportunity to inspect them for any damage or swelling. Swollen batteries are a sign of damage and should be disposed of properly.

3.   Store Your Batteries in a Dry & Cold Place

The temperature at which one must store batteries is important for longevity. Extreme temperatures can damage your batteries and reduce their lifespan. High temperatures can cause the RC car battery pack to overheat, while low temperatures can reduce capacity. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause your batteries to overheat.

It’s best to store your batteries in a dry and cold place. A temperature range of 50 to 77°F (10 to 25°C) is ideal for battery storage. Also, storing your batteries in a low-humidity environment can help prevent corrosion and damage.

4.    Use a Storage Case or Bag

Using a storage case or bag is a good idea to protect your RC car batteries during storage. These cases protect your batteries from damage and can help prevent them from being exposed to moisture, which can cause corrosion.

A good storage case should contain durable material, such as plastic, and a foam lining to protect the batteries from impact. Choosing an appropriately sized case for your batteries is important to prevent them from moving around during storage.

5.   Store Your Batteries Separately

If you have multiple batteries for your RC car, it’s important to store them separately. It will prevent potential damage if one stores the batteries together. You should also avoid storing your batteries near any metal objects, as this can cause them to discharge.

When storing multiple batteries, it’s a good idea to label them with the date they were last charged. It can help you track which batteries to charge first and prevent confusion.

6.   Check Your Batteries Regularly

Even if you’re not using your RC car batteries, it’s a good idea to check them regularly to ensure they’re still holding their charge. If your batteries are losing their charge quickly, it may be time to replace them.

You can use a battery tester or multimeter to check your batteries. A battery tester will quickly read the battery’s voltage, while a multimeter can provide more detailed information about the battery’s condition. Checking your batteries can help you catch any issues early on and prevent damage to your RC car.

7.   Charge and Discharge Your Batteries Regularly

While it may seem counterintuitive, charging and discharging your batteries can help extend their lifespan. This process, known as cycling, can help prevent the buildup of crystalline deposits on the battery’s electrodes, which can reduce its capacity.

To cycle your batteries, you can use them as you normally would and recharge them once they’re depleted. It can help prevent the memory effect and keep your batteries in top condition. However, it’s important not to overcycle your batteries, as this can also cause damage.

8.   Use a Battery Maintainer

If you plan to store your RC car batteries for an extended period, consider using a battery maintainer. These devices are designed to keep your batteries at their optimal charge level, which can help prevent them from discharging completely or overcharging.

Battery maintainers work by periodically charging and discharging your batteries, which can help prevent the memory effect and maintain their capacity. Some models also have a desulfation function, which can help remove any buildup of sulphates on the battery’s electrodes.

9.   Dispose of Old or Damaged Batteries Properly

Finally, it’s important to dispose of old or damaged batteries properly. Batteries contain hazardous chemicals and should not be thrown in the trash. Instead, you should recycle them at a specialised facility that can handle hazardous waste.

If you need help disposing of your batteries, check with your local recycling centre or contact the manufacturer for guidance. Proper disposal of batteries helps protect the environment and ensures they don’t pose a safety hazard.


Proper battery storage is crucial for maintaining peak performance in your RC car batteries. By following these tips, you can ensure your batteries last as long as possible and perform at their best. Remember to charge your batteries before storage fully, remove them from your RC car, store them in a cool, dry place, use a storage case or bag, store them separately, and check them regularly. Your RC car batteries can provide many hours of fun and excitement with proper care and maintenance tips from RCBattery experts.